What Killed Amy Winehouse
what killed amy winehouse

Best-selling author Ian Halperin, Amy's close friend who has written a new book about her, described the Back to Black. I do too.Amy Winehouse went 36 days without a proper meal before her tragic death. (9) 27 Club.-Screaming, howling, drums beating early morning by her neighbor which he said was completely unlike her, he is certain she died Friday. Red body bag, blood sacrifice ritual.-Found dead 4:05 P.M (9)-Died 27. Time of death: Amy Winehouse was found in her apartment at 4:05 P.M.

She was certainly a victim of her fame, which attracted both oppressive media attention and "hangers-on" who told her what she wanted to hear. A coroner's inquest report revealed that Amy's blood alcohol content was 416mg per 100ml at the time of her death, which is more than five times the. The star, known for hits including Back To Black and Rehab, died of alcohol poisoning on July 23, 2011, just a month after Amy Winehouse died of alcohol intoxication. Photograph: Juan Medina/Reuters Photograph: JUAN MEDINA/REUTERSAmy Winehouse’s wardrobe from her ill-fated 2011 tour is expected to fetch over &163 36,000 (50,000) as the singer’s vast collection of clothes and personal items are put up for a charity auction.

TROUBLED pop legend Amy Winehouse started drinking alcohol aged just 12, she revealed in a never-before-heard interview. In the year 2000, Amy became a member of the. She was a member of a rap group when she was young before she started singing for the Bolsha band. Her interest in music manifested early on, having jazz musicians for uncles. Amy was born September 14, 1983, in North London to parents Mitchell and Janis.

Though worried by her less decisive break with alcohol, they did not seem aware that continued use was every bit as perilous as her use of drugs had been before she accepted the need for intervention. The problem is addiction, and the idea that an abusive relationship with legal alcohol is of a lesser order than an abusive relationship with illegal drugs, is one of those fake distinctions that would be pitiful if it wasn't so dangerous.Winehouse's parents, in the wake of her death, said how proud they had been that she had beaten drugs. It's a silly idea, that "drug addiction" is somehow a different thing to "alcohol addiction". So it is no surprise that alcohol binges still featured in her life after a "successful" stint being treated for "drug addiction". Today, however, it was confirmed that Winehouse's death was caused by the vast amount of vodka she had consumed.Winehouse's last concert before her death had been a shambling and shameful affair, which saw her step onto a stage too drunk to stand. What pernicious lies people make up and peddle there were no illegal substances in the singer's body that night.

Other people can build addictive behaviour around the food that they eat, or the idea that they might not have switched off the gas ring before leaving the house. But I am against the distinction between legal and illegal, safe and unsafe, when it clouds the real message: that addictive substance abuse is addictive substance abuse, whether it's legal or illegal, or even if, in the case of Michael Jackson among many others, a doctor is prescribing it.Mind-altering substances are no more dangerous to some people than flower arrangements. I'm not against drugs either.

what killed amy winehouse

It does, however, make it harder for the addict to absent herself from temptation, or avoid the ignorant pressure of others to join them, because, say, "it's my birthday". Alcohol's legality does not make it any more safe for people who have the illness. But "an alcoholic" is just a particular subset of drug addict, addicted to a particular drug. "Alcoholic" is quite often used capriciously, to denote that a person drinks a lot.

what killed amy winehouse